A Review on Bamboo Blade

If I were to name one show that I’ve stalled for the longest time, it would be this one. I don’t even remember when I heard about it, and whenever I got around clearing my backlogs, this title would just pass me by. I had my reasons: like how I wasn’t used to an all-girl cast, or how this show is sport-themed. But deep down I knew “I really want to watch this”. After finally subjecting to my innermost desires I gave in and gave this series another audience.

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My Summer 2011 Picks: Blood-C

In my last post, I said that I was feeling wary about discussing the Summer season titles. A lot of people believe that the Summer 2011 lineup is pretty bad. I don’t fully agree with that statement. I have totally been looking forward to some titles, and some of them have lived up to my expectations so far. So, wariness? Pffft. Who am I kidding? I’m stoked to talk about the four shows that I picked up. Compared to my Spice and Wolf post though, this may be a little rough, since I haven’t tried making a commentary about a series that is new, or hasn’t already finished yet. So I did my best in scouring the info that I need, to provide my insights on the shows.

With that said, how about I start with the first title that I watched out of my picks? This is, Blood-C.
(note: I actually made a rookie mistake and published an earlier version of this just a few hours before episode 3, so I rehashed it a little and just strikethrough’d some things I said for reference.)


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